the summer bloom series

A few weeks ago, in the chaos of the end-of-school parties, graduation, and more, I was thrilled to announce that this little series was being released soon! If you’re unfamiliar with what we do, in addition to renovation + design for clients in their homes, real estate, and working with brands nationally, we generate a good bit of content here in our little corner of the www. I also love to dabble in my passion {anything creative}, which is painting. I’ve spent the past nine months really developing multiple original series, where our sweet readers may purchase a one-of-a-kind painting by me, or a print, all available in our shop! 

So today, I’m really excited to announce The Summer Bloom series! 

{Pssst… read more about the skyscape collection and the ethereal collection, but check out all our art in the store, here!}

All these paintings are filled with diverse, vibrant colors and pretty details in stylized florals to suit any space. We love the way that these came together in really fun, happy ways to bring a little color and a happy addition to those walls. So I’m sharing each one in the series with you today, hoping you’ll just enjoy a little colorful creation by me, or maybe even share with a friend. Just a way to add some colorful art to those homes + spaces!

First up: Verdure Glow. Verdure is the word describing the greenness of growing vegetation. Also, I just really love the word. So, it suited this painting, with the various green hues that play on the canvas to bring those flowers to life in a way that makes them pop. It’s my colorful take on florals in a really fun way. 

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My middle was a good sport, and let me temporarily take down her usual piece to display this one in a little photo shoot. While they look nice, I’m not a big fan of the AI displays people use nowadays to showcase their art, and I like to share them in our own home or clients’ homes, instead. That makes for a little extra sweat equity on my end, but I do love sharing how they play in real spaces!

This one is large and in charge in the original form if you’re interested in the real deal, but we also have various sizes of prints available in the shop! Just hit that button and scroll down. We also have a couple of pages for you to peruse, so feel free to check them all out. 

Next Up: Sunlit Serenade. This painting has a little bit of that summertime glow for your walls year-round, with the spectrum of light on all the petals and leaves. If I had to pick a favorite, this might be one of them.

Again, if you’re unfamiliar with me, you may not know I’m here for the color. So the way these turned out are really fun. More sizes available in the shop!

Radiant Botanicals. This painting is a lively representation of peonies, zinnias, and more of my favorites in a pretty little chonky bouquet of happy. I adore the way all these colors and shapes play together within the canvas. Prints are available in the shop, in multiple sizes, too!

Prismatic Flora captures your attention with diverse brushstrokes and striking simplicity. It’s a nice little dose of joy for those walls… or wherever you wish to display it. 

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I adore the contrast in the colors here, with warm hues dominating the entire painting, but equally balanced with cool tones for the win. More sizes available in the shop.

Summer Tapestry depicts soft, verdant florals against the softest of pink backdrops. These full, fluffy flowers made for such a fun combo; I adore the way all the colors came together. Prints in a plethora of sizes are available in our little store. 

I love the way it turned out, especially hanging above my stained glass cabinet! Rigby + Fitz approve this message, too. 

This particular photo turned out a bit on the paler side since I attempted it in the late afternoon a-la our great room, so be sure to check out the listing and the photo with all the paintings included for a better take on its true color. Prints are available in multiple sizes via the shop!

Gilded Petals is a lovely little painting that feels like gifting a bouquet of love to yourself or someone else! We certainly won’t judge, if you keep it for yourself. 

I just love this angle where it shows off all those colorful brush strokes. Yep, you guessed it… more sizes from prints {or the original itself} available in the shop!

Kaleidoscope Abloom just felt right when it comes to the title for this one. With a spectrum of various blooms in a generous gathering of our favorite flowers, we adore the way it turned out. Said middle child might steal this one, as she procliamed it was her favorite. The boys on the other hand, didn’t really have a dog in the fight, but they would pass by me occasionally whilst I was working and grunt out a “nice” or “cool” so that feels like an accomplishment. 

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Be sure to check out our shop here for multiple sizes via prints, or the original which are also available for purchase. 

We can’t thank you enough for stopping by today. We hope that you’ll share our shop with anyone who might be interested so that I can continue to grow these little collections that I adore so much. Our small business always appreciates you. And as always, let us know what you’d love to see more of. We’d love to hear from you. 

Happy perusing, and have an inspired day!
