our favorite organization projects

It’s that time of year. The one where we’re supposed to be motivated. Or something. There are purge lists and things to conquer and organization projects to take on. I’m eating healthier {trying} and moving my body. The ground is here, so I guess we should be running when we hit it. And stuff. But to be honest, January can just feel blah. I think people keep their Christmas decor up for a reason. You may need a little recovery time from those holidays. Read: I still have a cheese hangover. So I’m sharing some of our all time fave organization projects, but I think you should know that it’s basically for me. Somehow in between kids and day jobs we’re supposed to find the time to clean and organize and make it fresh and new. That’s cute. My hopes are that we can gently inspire whilst also reminding you that our own house is still very much in-process, and you can get to it when you get to it. Maybe I’ll just light a candle and clean the sink and celebrate the small wins. It’s a delicate balance, in so many ways. So here are a few of our favorite organization projects!

1. Our Favorite Organization Projects: This Closet With Liberty 

We’re smitten with this custom closet design with Closets by Liberty™. It was a great project to take on as soon as we moved into our primary addition. I am THRILLED to have my very own space after waiting so long and sharing a tiny space with Jamin. Check out the whole tour here with this custom closet design with Closets by Liberty™. Now if only I could catch up on the laundry and it wasn’t currently covering my floor…

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2. Our Favorite Organization Projects: Easy Bathroom Storage 

It was a game changer this last year to finish our primary suite. But even more so to take advantage of the forgotten spaces, and add storage where we can. This was basically like adding a tiny linen closet, which actually made a big difference. I swear by the time we’re finally finished with this house {when I DIE} we will have created so much storage. It’s quite satisfying if I’m honest. Check out this easy bathroom storage here. 

3. Our Favorite Organization Projects: Spring Cleaning 

Does spring cleaning start now? Is it in April? I always like to tackle it when it’s raining for days on end here. Regardless of the deadline with zero pressure because I refuse to feel it… here are our favorite spring cleaning tips. I promise these keep it real. You’ll find no folded fitted sheets here. 

4. Our Favorite Organization Projects: Tips for Small Laundry Room Spaces

Though we’ve now moved everything upstairs to our current laundry, {we now have a whole little room dedicated to said space!} we did use this corner for 6 years and it served us well. We know what it’s like to work with small spaces.

See tips for small laundry room spaces, here + our new laundry here. Which brings me to…

5. Our Favorite Organization Projects: Creating Storage in the Home

What this new space has actually become. Because if you’re out of storage in your home… add it. 

6. Our Favorite Organization Projects: Smart, Stylish Labels

Because if you’re looking for some pool storage, you may as well use these vintage hotel keychain labels. And if you need to make labels, they may as well be fun. So basically, these work anywhere. Just thought you might like to check them out! We love adding a little color and fun to our ideas. 

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7. Our Favorite Organization Projects: Creating Storage {more of it.}

So it may come as a total shocker to you, but this house from 1976 had absolutely zero storage when we moved in. See closet- to-laundry-space, above. Looking back, it was essential that we create some. I did a little round up with ideas in case you’re wondering about where you could use it in your own home: creating storage in your home.

8. Our Favorite Organization Projects: Organizing Craft Supplies

I truly love this create room for storage of all things craft supplies. It was mass chaos before it came along. If you’re interested, I shared a few tips for organizing craft supplies here!

teen boy bedroom designteen boy bedroom design

9. Our Favorite Organization Projects: How to Organize your Kids’ Shared Closet

I think I’m going to have to re-read this one, because it’s time. Now that they have their own spaces, it hits different and it’s time to tackle them again. How to organize your kids’ {shared} closet.

10. Our Favorite Organization Projects: An Easy Art Supplies Organizer

Probably hands down my favorite flea market find: an easy art supplies organizer. I use this constantly, when I’m lucky enough to have time to work in my makeshift studio. Yes, please. 

11. Our Favorite Organization Projects: A Clutter-Free Kitchen

Again, something I need to revisit. But I do refuse to keep things on the counter. Here I shared tips for a clutter-free kitchen.

11. Our Favorite Organization Projects: Easy Kitchen Organization

And while we’re on the topic, + tips for easy kitchen organization. It’s a game changer for all things clutter and chaos in those drawers. 

  استودیوی NAAW جزئیات دوران شوروی را در فضای داخلی رستوران آلماتی آشکار می کند

12. Our Favorite Organization Projects: Pantry Organization Inspiration

This pantry has worked so well for years. Though we’re about to change it up a little, how to organize your pantry  is still so handy – and if you’re wondering why our floors look different, check out this post here. 

13. Our Favorite Organization Projects: How to Style a Shelf

Because sometimes the visual stuff counts for organization, too: how to style a shelf 

14. Our Favorite Organization Projects: Teen Closet

Rounding it off with another closet that shows you how diverse it really is: updating a teen closet with closets by liberty


What are some of your favorite organization projects? We’d love to hear when you tend to hit that purge-with-fury stage. Is it just me who gets into nesting modes? It takes me a while, but then I’m a tornado with a trash bag… much to my family’s dismay.

Have an inspired day!

منبع: https://www.thehandmadehome.net/our-favorite-organization-projects/

Situé au cœur de la ville de lille, la maison meert est bien plus qu'une simple pâtisserie.